Thursday, February 11, 2010

O.T. Appointment Yesterday!

Grammy had taken Ryan to O.T. for me for the last two weeks. Yesterday I went with Ryan and WOW! when I used the letterboard standing,sitting on the floor, in the chair.... he was just unbelievable. His pointing in two weeks had greatly improved. I knew it had but coming back to OT it was very obvious.....Amy was getting prepared for handwriting and asked me to ask Ryan what he would like to practice.. we could practice your name, shapes, draw animals? So I asked him and he said R-Y-A-N. So each letter we audiotorially said the direction of the letter twice ..down up around kick it out.. letter R.. then drew... ( remember he is a auditory kid!) brought in the letter board and said.. I knew this is easy but keep us on track.... what letter is next? He pointed to Y on we went. Nice way to create active participation of a task:)

So, the BIG NEWS.. Ryan has never grabbed for the letter board wanting to communicate...well it was the end of the session and he grabbed the board and pencil and pointed G-O .. Yep.. I was I said Go Where? I know where Ashley wants to go! Ashley said yeah! but where do you want to go?... I am thinking for sure McDonald's ( we were all hungry) and he looks right at Ashley and spells W-E C-A-N- G-O - T- O - Y-O-U-R-S-T-O-R-E. Ashley gave Ryan a huge hug and said that is so sweet Ryan.. so then I said.. oh Ryan OK.. after that where do you want to go and my hungry guy...points to yep you guessed it.. M-C-D-O-N-A-L-D-S.. It was a good day!

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