Thursday, April 15, 2010

Yes, Mom is Computer Challenged!

Organization and scheduling all that our family has to get done over the weekend is one of the things we struggle with. Well, Paul went somewhere in the morning and when he returned he was writing out the "plan" and was asking each one of use what we wanted to share and give input on regarding how the rest of the afternoon and night were going to go. Ashley told Dad what she did this morning.. and said,"well I finished my room this morning so I want to blah blah blah . Then I chimed in and her comes Ryan.....He had done nothing that morning except listen to me obviously all morning long... he says. when Paul said to him What do you want to add in Ryan. ............


Oh yes, all morning long I was complaining because somehow I did not save the Children's Hospital Autism Conference Power Point presentation on my Laptop.. I was loudly complaining about the fact I was such a idiot for forgeting to save it..or somehow the computer ate it....... I also was softly complaining, murmuring the majority of the afternoon about this unfortunate event until Paul walked through the door!............ He was listening that's for sure!!

Poor Ryan .........that was what his morning was filled with!! I apologized.

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