Sunday, December 2, 2012

Wedding comments and Jeans too!

Ryan was invited to a of his friends sister... so I went out and bought him his first pair of dress shoes and black slacks and shirt and sweater .. he looked soooooooooo grown up. Well, I went to the store twice and Grammy was hemming the pants and we were in full preparation mode for the big evening ahead.. So, Ryan put on his new shoes after us fitting him for his pants and marking the hem etc. ... he started running back and forth.. in the living room.. I said  what are you thinking... . THANK YOU FOR HELPING ME HAVE GOOD OUTFIT. SO HAPPY

 I never knew he could be so excited about his clothes he really was happy.. he cared about his clothes.. he is growing up...

Then he gave a wonderful toast to our table. RYAN IS SO GRATEFUL FOR LOVING KIND FRIENDS...

WEDDING SO LOVING AND EMOTIONAL....  comment when bride and groom where dancing

Told friend when he was getting upset...GOD HAS GOOD PLANS FOR OUR LIFE xxxxxx. HE IS LOVING GOD.. 

 Next morning I was telling Paul... Ryan needs nice clothes.. he needs jeans so Paul said to Ryan try one of my pairs of jeans on  .. to see how they fit.... just to gauge size..  then  Paul said you can have mine if you grow a few inches.. and  ryan  spoke.. sounds like irritated and he letterboarded

RYAN WANTS HIS OWN NEW PANTS.............!!!!!!!!!

Fast forward Paul came home with new jeans for Ryan .. he tried them on and me ashley and daddy were talking about all they need is a hem and he is set to I said do you like the jeans .. and he said