Thursday, October 7, 2010


An OT was observing Ryan session with his therapist the other day. She was talking about Ryan to the observer but saying only positive things.......BUT Ryan got upset AND SAID FIRST



RYAN HATES MAKE DANCE ... of course in tears and screams he is spelling this out..

I knew what he meant......He doesnt want to feel like he has to perform for people..............UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I asked him do you me perform for "X" and he said YES. My awesome OT asked the observer to step out and Ryan calmed down ..

Remember are kids get it they are in there...........we must pay attention!

Feelings about School! and Ohio Virtual Academy

Ryan is doing Ohio Virtual Academy this year. They have a thing called class connects. It is on illuminate a meeting site. Kids get on and the teacher does instruction! The kids can raise there hands and answer questions.. Talk on the mic... The teacher is doing Literature.. a novel." The Sign of the Beaver" Ryan came to the table and banged the computer wanting to listen to the story and interact with the kids. See he can make noise and take breaks whenever he wants.. IT IS SO COOL. But he feels like an active part of the class answering on his board. He was asked to make a prediction based on the cover what the book is about. Will post that next.. So smart.. and intuitive!

Well I asked him. hey do you like being with the teacher and learning with the kids.. and this was his answer:

Spelled name of his past school... then said _xxxxxxx SCHOOL SEPERATES RYAN..LIKE MAKING DECISIONS

See in the classroom he can answer with the kids at his pace we can keep talking while the teacher is teaching.. it works.. it is brilliant.......... we really love the repeats.. because I can pause the teacher .... give Ryan time to think and respond.. and then not miss a lick............... Ryan feels like he is participating making decisions.. answering her provoking questions.. she is getting the kids to think.. and Ryan loves it He loves to make decisions!

Visit with the new speech therapist!

I have not had to start up with a new speech therapist in a long while.. This situation was perfect for RPM... because we sat at a table. THIS IS WHAT WAS SO COOL................Everything had changed.. Before I would speak for Ryan.. I would say what he was interested in and what he wanted to accomplish at the sessions.. I spoke for him always...............This time Ryan had his voice........he told her ......


He sat there answering her interview questions via his letter board. ..... that was awesome!!!!

He kept gently touching under the therapist chin.......well before rpm I would have said. NO hands down.. thinking it was a quirky behavior.. However, he told me several months back that he does that to say I like you will you and will you be my friend..................think about loving is that .. and I was grabbing his hand. and feeling somewhat embarrassed about the action..

God is what comes to mind.. I am so grateful to have my son's voice.. we get each other now.

What every Mom wants to KNOW!!!

Ryan is non-verbal.. so he could never tell me if he was sick or something hurt...............Well now he can!

I noticed dry blood in his ear and a scab .. like he was picking at his I said the following.. Ryan does your ear hurt ..does it bother you.. do you have an boo boo..?? why am I going into such detail and talking baby talk........NO IDEA .. I do know I needed to get his attentions so talked for a little bit about what I was going to be asking him . however.. did I need to babytalk........NOPE.. so he says to me:


Well after that mature comment.... I was the one feeling stupid.......... so good to be able to talk to my son......... We must come to a point of understanding.. just because our kids can not speak does not mean they are stupid............ yes.........lets start the change of thinking.... I am first in line and have to be reminded at times. Thank God for Ryan' s sake .. I don't have to be reminded so often any more!