Today is Tuesday and Ryan has just got up from the table having had a big breakfast and did some grazing early around 4am as welll. I am thinking OK we are for sure full. Ryan goes and sits in front of the food pantry door. So I thought we are already writing down all that we eat ( I am doing Weight Watchers and tracking Ryans food too... not a diet just keeping a mental note on all we both are eating:)) So I thought OK.... instead of me writing down all you ate this morning you list it out on the board.. So, we start, I said yes tell me what you ate.. because you sure at plenty this morning already.. maybe start with fruits.. he says:
YOU THINK I HAVE HAD MUCH ...RYAN WANTS MORE. I said well you are just talking so great on you board..(wanting him to see the value in the board ...still work for him ) so tell me go ahead want do you want .. I knew:
CROUTONS .. So croutons it was!! ... good start to our morning!